The Algarve | Jacinto Palma Dias

Design e paginação de livro.

Fotografias de Filipe da Palma, Vanda Esquível e Agostinho Gomes.

"The originality of the ‘Platibandas’ serves as a communication link with the so called past which was never obstructed by any obstacle, allowing in this way an expression of primitive art in the first 30 years of the XX century. Architectural culture of the time in Portugal did not give credit to this type of decorative expression. ‘Platibandas’ might have been influenced by Art Nouveau, or by Art Deco, etc., but never depended completely on these artistic movements since their decorative singularity permits an opening in esthetic terms into modernity. The Algarve’s successive urbanity plans which followed the Portuguese 1974 revolution were never qualified by the architectonic components, as though architecture as such never existed.
With this type of architectural attitude the local esthetic culture was forgotten which was in itself a serious mistake. Facing a growing tourist activity a liberalization of image was allowed with a shameless non conformity of the only original Portuguese architecture in its graphic representation. The Algarve lost its trademark, considering that sun and sea are not exclusive of this area but of many other places as well. In Universities the History of Art’s Curriculums spoke above all, of an erudite architecture, secular or religious. In spite of teachers’ efforts they could never eradicate the stigma of second hand architectural works, contrasting with the absolute originality displayed by popular architecture. do livro, p.39